
USA Envoy Visits Uganda to check on the Covid19 relief fund activities

Donors from the United States of America Visited Uganda to check on the progress of the Covid 19 Relief funds projects in Busoga. These Projects are implimented by the Kyabazinga of Busoga Kingdom in partnership with Developing Lives, livelihood and Nutrition organisation ( DLLN).

During the Visit, the envoy had a meeting with the Kyabazinga of Busoga His Majesty William Gabula Nadiope IV who gave them a guided tour in the garden of Budhumbula Palace and later on they visited the different benefactors of the project implimented by DLLN.

The project comprises of different agricultural activities like Banana Plantations, Diary goats , Vegetables and Trees planting which is meant for improving the livelihoods of people in busoga .

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The kyabazinga of Busoga His Majesty William Wilberforce Nadiope 1v having a meeting with the team from USA who have supported the people of Busoga through the covid19. This was in his home in Budhubula kamuli District
Mr Habu explaining to the donors in his garden of bananas how he has been able to maintain it and also thanking them for the support given to him and the entire community through DLLN-Uganda. Also photos showing the different farmers who were visited
These are some of the crops grown in schools that we are supporting to improve on the nutrition of students, these are mixed with different foods and vehetables that are very nutrious for our childreen and they also boost the growth of the brains
His Majesty explaining to the donors how he has been able grow crops at his home in kamuli which he has turned into ademostration farm he uses to teach the people different agricultural practices, good animal husbadry as well as basic agricultutal practices. He does this to promote agriculture food food security, income generation, boosting Nutrition among the people of Busoga and lastly to fight povety out of Busoga. He wants his people to look at what he is doing, learn from him so that we can bring back the groly of busoga which was a food basket for uganda
Farmers recieving the Dairy goats that have been given to them by DLLN Uganda
A farmer milking his goat so as to get milk to feed to his family. Goats milk is very reach in protains that supports growth of children who are malnalushed
Farmers show off the matooke they have harvested from their gardens
Farmers constructing dairy goats shelters
Farmer harvesting matooke from his garden
A young girl taking her dairy goat